Reading Comprehension

Select a text from the index below

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 755

Excerpt from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles for the year 755.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 888-889

Excerpt from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles for the years 888 and 889.

Pater Noster

The Lord's Prayer.

Introduction to Ælfric's Grammar

Excerpt from the introduction to Ælfric's Grammar.

Remedy for a Cold

Excerpt from Bald's Leechbook concerning the treatment of colds and mucus.

Dicts of Cato

Excerpt from the Dicts of Cato concerning arguments.

Ælfric's Preface to Genesis

Excerpt from Ælfric's Preface to Genesis.

Interrogationes Sigwylfi Presbiteri

Excerpt from Sigewulf's questions about Genesis to Alcuin.