Excerptiones de arte grammatica anglice
Is nu for ði Godes þeowum and mynstermannum georne to warnigenne þæt seo haligelar onurum dagum ne acolige oððe ateorige, swa swa hit wæs gedon onangelcynne nu for anum feawum gearum, swa þæt nan englisc preost ne cuðe dyhtan oððe asmeagean ænne pistol onleden, oð þæt dunstan arcebiscop and Athelwold biscop eft þa lare on munuc lyfum arærdon. Ne cweðe ic na for ði, þæt ðeos boc mæge myclum to lare fremian, ac heo bið swa þeah sum angyn to ægðrum gereorde, gif heo hwam licað.
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