Þa on morgen gehyrdon þæt þæs cyninges þægnas þe him beæftan wæron þæt se cyning ofslægen wæs. Ða ridon hie þyder ond his ealdorman osric ond wiferð his þegn ond þa men þe he him bæftan ær læfde ond þone æþeling on þære byrig metton þær se cyning ofslægen læg.

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Then in the morning the king's thanes that were behind heard that the king was slain. Then they rode thither, Osric his alderman, and Wiferth his thane, and the men that he had left behind; and they met the prince at the town, where the king lay slain.


In the later West Saxon dialect, spellings with the diphthong 'ie' were often spelled with a 'y' instead. So 'hieran' became 'hyran'.

This spelling of þegen is actually a mistake. The correct spelling is written in above the word in the manuscript.

Thither has fallen out of common usage in modern English, but it means 'towards there', specifically away from the speaker.

An ealdorman was an official in Anglo-Saxon England. They were usually appointed by the king and were responsible for a specific shire.

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